Help! I’m a Woman in Ministry!

By Karen Jones
This is not a devotional about women pastors/ministers, but women in ministry. I believe that if you are a woman that is a Christ-follower, then you are a woman in ministry.

I am not called to preach, but I am called to speak into the lives of people. I am a wife to a pastor/minister... BUT I am not a “two for one” special; unfortunately, this is the only job it seems people try to make a requirement! :) I am a woman in ministry!

Four Priorities I Live By:

God First
My relationship with Him is first. I cannot depend on my spouse’s relationship with God. That’s not his responsibility to me; it’s mine!

Spouse Second
My “hunka-hunka-burnin’ love.” He is my most important human relationship! No one else should be able to make him feel loved like I can.

Kids Third
My/Our most important and utmost responsibility besides honoring God and each other is our kids! We must let them see and experience what it means to have a daily walk with God and what marriage should look like and be like. Whether you like it or not, you are training your children about these two things, good or bad.

Career/Ministry Fourth
Yep, it’s the last on the list and it has to stay there. This doesn’t mean I don’t care; it just means I care more about the other three priorities above it. If I will keep the other three in order, this fourth one will just fall into place.

If you don’t believe in this set of priorities, you must understand that they are biblical. God himself set it up this way. If you don’t believe me, take it up with Him!

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