The Secret Place

"In the day I called,  You answered, and strengthened me with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:8  In the secret place of prayer are springs of refreshing, strength and victory.

One of the first things the Lord taught His disciples about the Kingdom is that God is not only our King but He is our Father.   We know that we are to learn to live in continual abiding prayer relationship with the Lord, and how wonderful that is! And Jesus emphasizes that we must have a secret place, a special time of meeting with the Father if we are to live the life of the branch abiding in the vine..  In that private place, shut out from people, shut out from the clamor and business of our life, shut in with the Father, Jesus will teach us how to pray. That spot may be anywhere, it may change from day to day, but find a  consistent place for quiet time in the Master's presence.


Jesus said to pray this way...."Our FATHER, Who is in Heaven..."  He also said, "But you, when you pray, go into your room and close the door, and pray to your Father Who is in secret. And the Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly." Matthew 6:6. He mentions the Father four times in these few verses regarding prayer. In the secret place is where we begin to know our Father intimately. Our amazing Father of love, who is in secret, wants to meet with us! He sees us, He will reveal His love, His attributes, His nature to those who will seek Him.  He will teach us to TRUST HIM with childlike faith and expectation. He will strengthen us.


The secret place is our school of prayer and Jesus is our Teacher. He that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."Ask, and you shall receive.  Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7


The Secret Place

Good morning! You are so loved by God.  As you spend time in His Word, He will speak to you concerning His love for you, His plan for your life and the reality of His presence. The Holy Spirit is in you to teach You and guide you and Help you.  
I'm so thankful that today we can pray like David in Psalm 61. "Hear my cry. O God; Give heed to my prayer, From the end of the earth I call to You, when my heart is faint; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.  For you are my Refuge, A tower of strength against the enemy, Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings."  Sometimes we feel far from the Lord, as far as to the end of the earth!
Our heart grows faint and we feel so overwhelmed, so inadequate. But it is at this time that He leads us to Himself, to the secret place where we can take refuge in Him. He beckons us to come spend time in the private place and cry to Him, call to Him for help and pray. 
Make time to spend with the Lover of your soul in the secret place of His presence as you begin your day. Then you can continue to abide in Him, in continual fellowship and prayer throughout your day.  Draw near, and He will draw near.   He is our Refuge and our Dwelling Place. He will teach us how to pray in the secret place of His presence . Thank you Lord!  We love You and we worship You! 

The Secret Place

The Lord will illuminate His Word to us as we meet with Him in secret. It's so exciting that He wants to fellowship with us daily in the pages of the Bible. We experience Jesus through His living Word. He is the Light of the World, and as we follow Him in His Word we live in His light. He is Wisdom and will impart wisdom, through the Word, beyond our experience and natural understanding.
He is the Bread of Life. The Word is our daily bread. He is the Living Water. His Word  will refresh, strengthen and revive. You will discover Him day after day in His Word. You will know HIM, your Redeemer, Healer, Strength, Author and Finisher, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind to the Word of God, and you will know His will! 
As you meditate in His Word day and night, (Psalm 1), you will be like a tree planted by rivers of water, your leaf will not wither, you will produce much fruit for His glory and you will prosper in all.  Our effectiveness in prayer will be determined by our time reading, meditating on, applying, obeying and being transformed by God's Word.  Faith, the foundation of prayer, comes by hearing the Word.  In the Secret Place of His presence, the Holy Spirit  will teach us the Word and how to pray!   

The Secret Place

 Jesus said,

"When you pray

Go into your room (closet, private place)

And close the door

And pray to your Father, Who is in Secret.

And the Father, Who sees in secret,

Will reward you openly." Matthew 6:6...


What an amazing invitation and command given to all who are His children. Think about it, we are invited to close the door to all of the activities of life, every other voice, and meet with our heavenly Father in secret.  He hears us. He sees us. He rewards us. Jesus compels us to come.   In Matthew 11:28,  He says

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." In Psalm 23, we see that He "prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies." We must choose to come and sit at the table, the table of His presence. We are to come as we are, to receive everything we need, and to be transformed by the Holy Spirit.  


In the secret place, He teaches us how to pray. He saturates us with His love. He forgives and cleanses sin and clothes us in His righteousness. He makes all things new. He gives wisdom for the days ahead. He strengthens us in the journey. In the secret place, we can enter into His rest and receive His peace. He replaces sorrow for His joy, we exchange our fear for faith in His unchanging living Word.  He equips us with the  armour  needed for the raging battle. We can "come boldly to the throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need." We decrease. He increases. He transforms us and builds us and rearranges things. He gives us His heart for people and regions and nations. He unites us to His purposes, renews our mind to Truth.  In that place we can be still and listen. We can worship and adore and love our King. Come daily, come often, Come early. Close the door and experience true relationship with the living God. In the Secret Place we encounter the Lord, our All in All. And, as we make it our pattern to  come, He will teach us how to pray.