Character: Part Seven

By Carol Dickey
Character development is not simply a matter of changing how we behave and think today. It also involves taking responsibility for how we have behaved in the past. This includes neglected debts and apologies never made.

Our relationship with God hinges on our relationship with people. We cannot resolve
our differences with the Father if we are unwilling to resolve our differences with others.
We cannot be in fellowship with God and out of fellowship with others.

To love God is to keep His commands; Jesus has commanded us to love others (John 13:34), which is His new commandment.

Reconciling relationships and making restitution are what instills character in men and women. Doing these things are signs of spiritual maturity and personal security. Sure, it is inconvenient. Yes, it is embarrassing. Often, it is humiliating. Our Savior suffered a painful, inconvenient, and terribly humiliating death on the Cross for the sins of the whole world. Some people think walking in the Spirit is a level reached after years of listening to tapes, reading books, having marathon quiet times and going further and further into the deeper things of God. Some hope for an infusion of willpower that would make choosing sin out of the question. Some wait for God to scoop them up and change them. None of these is what is meant by walking in the Spirit.

Sometimes do you wish God would take control of your mind? Wouldn’t it be easier if we could walk down an aisle, pray a prayer, push a button and then suddenly God would take over? However, control is not His goal; a relationship with us is His goal.

We have freedom of choice, freedom to follow, freedom to surrender. As we follow Him and surrender to His will and purpose, He empowers us to do what He desires us do.

Our pursuit of character is not intended to be a solo flight; God has sent the Holy Spirit to direct and empower us. He will enable us to be what we cannot be in our own strength... a PERSON OF CHARACTER!

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