As we follow Jesus' earthly example of meeting with the Father in
secret prayer, the Holy Spirit is our intimate Teacher Helper.
Aren't you glad that Jesus came to this world, born as a man, lived
a sinless life completely yielded to the Holy Spirit and the will of the Father
and demonstrated to us the love and kingdom of God? Lord
thank You that You paid for our sin by Your substitutionary death on the
cross, redeemed us from death and hell by Your precious blood, rose from the
dead to guarantee us eternal life, and have brought us back
into relationship with the Father!
Our Jesus has made us alive in Him, and He has brought us
out of darkness into His marvelous light! He has reconciled us back to a place
of God's sons and daughters! We have been redeemed from the curse! We have
access to His presence, no longer separated! We have the assurance of eternal
life with Him! Then, having finished all, before He left this earth to go
back to the Father, He gave us instructions to love our God, love others,
be One and preach this Good News to all the Earth. He promised that when He
left He would send Another, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, to be with us
and live in us forever. And He did! Thank you Lord! This was the end
game of the Father. He wanted a dwelling place not made with human hands but
our very hearts and lives. So Jesus went back to heaven and the Holy Spirit
came to this earth to live in us and through us, and prepare us to be His
glorious Church, His Bride. Christ, through the Holy Spirit, is living in
you and me. Jesus is the Head and we are His Body.
Jesus spoke much of the Holy Spirit and He said that the Holy Spirit will fill you,teach you, guide you,reveal truth to you, comfort you,empower you, transform
you and
demonstrate the Word of God in and through your life. He will give you power over sin and power to be a witness to
fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to pray. He illuminates God's Word. He helps us live a holy life,
pleasing to God.
He causes us to
succeed, as we rely on Him through our weakness. He will cause His fruit to be demonstrated in our life. You will know Him in the
Secret Place, and He will show you how to abide in Him, be familiar with His
voice and live every day for His glory.
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