As we make time to meet with the Lord in prayer and in His Word
each day, He promises to instruct us in His will, guide us on His path and
direct our steps. The Holy Spirit will meet with us in that secret place
with the Father and Jesus! In Psalm 16, David speaks of setting the Lord
continually before him, taking refuge in the Lord. "You will make
known to me the path of life.
In Your presence is fullness of Joy....... The secret
of the Lord is for those who worship Him He will make then know His covenant."
In the Secret Place we will discover God's will. "He
will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. He will counsel us
with His eye upon us." Jesus spent much time alone
with the Father, receiving from Him all that which was necessary for the day.
When He told the disciples to pray, "Give us this day our daily
bread," He was telling them that each day would require a fresh supply
from the Father, of grace, wisdom, strength and direction. He will
strengthen us and give us all we need for the day. He is our All in
All. He is the Light of the world and in Him is no darkness.