By Amy Stoehr
We have been talking about the instructions Jesus has given to us to Meet with the Father, in secret and pray to our Father, in secret (Matthew 6:6) It’s so awesome to think the Father wants to meet with us! And He will hear us and He will answer us. Hebrews 4:16 says that we can “come to the Throne of Grace with confidence, to receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” I love 1 John 5:14-5 that says we have assurance, we can be sure, that when we approach God and pray according to His will, He hears us. And because He hears us, we can know that we can receive His answers! It’s so amazing!
I want to continue to encourage you to make a time and a place to meet with the Father in prayer, in worship, in hearing from Him as you read His Word. It is His will for you!
A also want to encourage you that you can abide in this “secret place” throughout your day. You can take moments to step away from the activities of your day and meet with the Lord in secret every hour! You can stop wherever you are, in all that you are doing and meet with the Father in prayer and worship. This is having a “pray without ceasing” lifestyle. Jesus says in John 15 that the Father wants us to learn to live our lives as a branch abiding in the Vine , in continual fellowship with Him. He says that if we “abide in Him, and His Word abides in us, we can ask whatever we will and it shall be done.”
I love Psalm 91:1, “He that dwells (remains in) the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” He is our Refuge and our Fortress, a very present Help throughout every moment. The Holy Spirit will guide our praying, moment by moment, as we practice listening to Him.
This is how we can “Trust in the Lord with all our hearts, not leaning on our own understanding. In all our ways we can acknowledge Him and He will make our path straight.” Prov. 3:3,4
As we spend time in the secret place of prayer in the mornings, we will be able to continue abiding in Him throughout the day and recognize His leading. We can stop and listen. We can stop and give thanks. We can stop and worship. We can stop and pray. We can develop a lifestyle of continually walking with the Lord, not worrying about anything, but praying about everything. In Luke 18:1 Jesus said we should pray always and never give up. We can cultivate a secret life of prayer that will result in His manifested presence in our lives, His love demonstrated through us and powerful prayers that bring His will to this earth. Lord, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in us and through us. We thank You, We praise You, and we love You!